About Me

I am currently a research scientist at ByteDance working on multi-modal foundation modal research.
My research interests include Computer Vision, Multi-Modality Learning, Source-Free Domain Adaptation and Representation Learning.
I obtained my Ph.D. degree from the University of South California, under advisement of Prof. Ram Nevatia.
I obtained my Master degree from the Columbia University in the city of New York, and Bachelor degrees from both the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor and the Shanghai Jiao Tong University. For more information, please check my Curriculum Vitae (Updated January 2024), and Google Scholar

News (Jan 23rd 2023): I have completed my dissertation defense and graduated from USC!

News (Jan 4th 2023): Our paper ReCLIP: Refine Contrastive Language Image Pre-Training with Source Free Domain Adaptation is selected in the WACV 2024 best paper finallist!



As you set out for Ithaka, hope the voyage is a long one.
[Ithaka, C.P. Cavafy]

Ramen, An epitome: The complicated mood of China during the Japanese culture popularization

01 June 2017 on Food

While some people address China as a country with "astonishing economic growth" and rapid modernization, other people would like to describe China as a country with more and more incisive society problems.

Shower: The traditional culture complex and the modern panic

25 April 2015 on Movies

Many things happened in 1990s and 1980s in China. the reform and opening-up policy, the market-oriented economy, the individual economy and the springing up of uncountable "modern" things and ideas.

Let the bullets fly: An absurd heroic metaphor of revolution

01 March 2015 on Movies

JIANG Wen is one of the most famous Chinese actor, and he is also known as one of the best academic directors in China. JIANG only directs 5 movies until now including Devils on the Doorstep (鬼子来了), In the Heat of the Sun (阳光灿烂的日子), The Sun Also Rises (太阳照常升起), Let the bullets fly (让子弹飞), and Gone with the bullets (一步之遥).

The Prestige and Back to the Future: Magic versus Time Travel

04 May 2014 on Movies

People love to imagine the impossible things. Sometimes they would imagine things like backing to the past or going to the future; sometimes they would imagine things like having some special machines, which can duplicate anything they want. Those impossible things happen in The Prestige written by Christopher Nolan and Jonathan Nolan, and Back to the Future written by Robert Zemeckis and Bob Gale.

There will be blood: a analysis

01 March 2014 on Movies

At the end of 2007, Paul Tomas Anderson came back with his There will be blood. The movie had its premiere on December 10, 2007, and a month after that, was the due date of the nomination submission of the 80th Academy Awards. Surprisingly, the movie soon got widely praised because of the wonderful story and excellent performance, and it finally got 8 nominations of the Academy Awards. The movie was thought to be one of the best movies in 2007. As the soul of a movie, the screenplay plays the most important part of making such a good movie. The screenplay is wonderful. In the screenplay, the protagonist Daniel is a quite complex person; the setting of the story represents the character’s inner mental state well; the screenplay shows both sides of capitalism and religion, and that makes the screenplay more rational.